Saturday, February 28, 2009

February 28th, 2009

Lights got shut out there at that last line (2/27 post). I'm not sure I want to explain all that now. I just had a close call. 3 guys got the whole platoon smoked. Standing out in the freezing rain in shorts, t-shirts and rifles. I almost was the fourth man, but I got lucky. My rifle was only partially secured right, but the drill didn't get it off my locker. Wee he didn't cause he had 3 others in his arms. Oooh lucky. I won't ever make that mistake again. Ever.

Found out most things are good at home at this point. I guess Bear might lose his tail. Boy, that's difficult to handle. In a sense, it's all my fault. It never would have happened if I hadn't made the decision I did. That hurts, but I'm just glad he'll be okay. He's a great dog and I'm sad this had to happen, but I'm glad he's going to hang around. I wouldn't know what to do if I lost him.

Today - the 28th - we had a bunch of class crap we learned about the M-130 or AT4 anti-tank weapon. It's pretty cool, but not that great. We also studied our procedures with the radio, calling for med evac and shit like that. We also played with the M249 SAW (squad automatic weapon). Now that's a cool fucking rifle. 5.56 belt fed machine gun. Can't wait to fire that sucker.

Had a weird conversation with a Sgt. - not a drill just a sgt - this morning while guarding about 1/2 million dollars worth of M-249s.

Finally had a good diner. I got to finish: lasagna, mashed potatoes & gravy, corn, 2 pieces rye bread, two glasses of milk, cottage cheese, pasta salad with some jalapenos, olives and cheese and 4 soda crackers. The bread and milk are a good combo. They make you feel full which is nice. Tomorrow I will have the same thing for breakfast I've had every day since I've been here - scrambled eggs/bacon/1 piece toast with gravy/sliced potatoes/1 bagel/1 banana/1 glass milk/1 glass water/ 1 bowl of grits with one small box dry cereal mixed in. It all gets eaten together in one giant pile and near choking speed. If you have time to get it all down, it's good. Sometimes you barely have time to get a quarter of it down, and when they say, "You're done, Charlie" or "You're done, 1st." the shit in your mouth falls out and onto the plate and you go at a high rate of speed you pass off your shit or grab someone else, cause you always double rush to dump it in a highly organized fashion and then get outside in formation. 3 times a day.

Who knows what tomorrow holds - fireguard tonight sometime, church at 7:30 - 10:30 for me. I picked LDS. It's a 3 hour service, all the other services are 2 hours. It's actually a nice way to get away and even though you're with 50 people, it's quiet and you can have some peace and know you're not gonna get jumped for something at any moment. You just sit and listen and let your mind wander. We went back into white phase today. We were supposed to be a week ago, but are fuck ups. Well, not everyone, but the majority of the 200 are. We're actually supposed to start blue in a week which is the last phase of the basic part of OSUT. I don't know if we'll see blue or not. For all I know, I'll/we'll be back in red in a day or two. Red is total control all the time/ white is less/ blue is even less/ then black/ then gold/ then onto your duty station and the regular Army.

I've heard varying stories about where people are going. I've heard a lot are going to Ft. Campbell, KY. I really, really don't want to go there. So, I'm sure that's where I'll end up. I heard a couple people are getting Hawaii. I wish that was me. Then that rumor might be BS, like everything else. They know where most of us are going already, but we won't know for a while, I'm sure.

Ft. Campbell is 101st Airborne. If I go there I got that to look forward to, but honestly at this point I don't know how much I could take. Airborne is pretty rough and I'm beat to shit and got 11 more weeks here. I kinda am actually hoping for a Bradly or a Stryker unit at this point, but would not hesitate to take an Airborne or Air Assault or Ranger or Pathfinder slot if offered one. even as beat as I am, but I doubt I'll get offered one. Although, I am trying my damnedest. My sit-ups and push-ups are in the 100% zone. My running I guess is about 1 minute off of 100% but I got about 8 weeks to work on that, to get 300 points in PT. I can get 1 of only 2 medals you can realistically get here in basic. I already have a marksmanship medal - not the best but not the worst either & the 300 would get me the other one - EIC (Excellence in Cavalry award). We'll see about that.

I got Jason's mail last night. That was a great surprise. It sounds like things are going OK back home, but it also sounds like if I would have stayed I might be close to super fucked at this point. Doesn't sound like the work situation back home is all that good. Well it actually sounds worse than when I left over a month ago. From what little I can gather, it sounds like the DOW and stock and that shit are all in the toilet. Housing market is still f-d up. Job market is still going down and that Obama is doing a pretty fine job of fucking it all up, but that's just what I gather from little bits of shit here and there. It could be all BS, too. Well I am pretty positive the job and house situation back home is in the shitter, and I would be fucking done if I would have stayed there at home. I'm still curious as to how this will all play out by the time I am out in a few years. There's going to be a lot of weird shit I encounter on the road of life in the next few years, but all in good time.

Well, it's almost lights out. So, I am going to get this ready for the mail. Tomorrow will come way too fast. I hope all is well with everyone. Things are good as can be expected here. Talk to you all soon.

Scouts out

If you ain't Cav, you ain't shit!

You wouldn't believe the amount of repetitive brainwashing that goes on around here. Some day I'll write down some of the sick, twisted cadences.


"Shoot em in the head. Shoot em in the head. Kill em."
"Fill the body bags. Fill the body bags. Fill em."

Friday, February 27, 2009

February 27th, 2009

Well 9:30 again. What a fucking day. No obstacle course. It was torrential rain this morning so we just ruck marched in it for 5k then did some 240B training (big ass bled fed 308s - 7.62) and screwed with the M203 (that's a grenade launcher that fits on your M-16) then marched home. Did a bunch of crazy shit over and over. That's what happens when people fuck up which happens all the time. Before the ruck we got smoked. That's when they PT (physical training) as a sort of punishment. Sort of like rubbing a dog's nose in piss. Sort of things you keep doing push ups (front leaning rest) then thinking clear while lifting your rifle over your head then push up. People that put their knees down equal more, elbows not bent = more, complaining = more, grunts and groans = more, people just keep doing it. It goes on and one. I was to the point of just quivering, almost tears of pain in my eyes. Some people do cry. It's pretty painful.

At night we do this stupid shit:

At night or any time really, we do stupid fucked up shit. Like tonight. Drill Sergeant yells some set of instructions - i.e. get out side with full battle gear and ruck grounded and get in formation. You have 10 minutes. - all the sudden all hell breaks loose. You grab you body armor, Kevlar helmet, rucksack our of your wall lock and go to the front and arrange everything, which would be pretty hard to explain, but it's sort of a way the whole platoon organizes its shit.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

February 26th, 2009 - Later that day

Had land nav today and 240 Bravo training then night nav. Back at barracks at 10, 10:30 now. Fireguard at 3 and wake up at 4 then march at 5:30 to chow then to obstacle coarse.

Man this is fucked :)

February 26th, 2009 - Ash Wednesday

7:30 - 8:30 pm

Just got out of a land navigation review course. Pretty much all day (7am - 5pm) was spent learning how to disassemble, reassemble, clear weapon, function check the BMG .50 aka M2 - .50 cal/MA Deuce - Belt fed 50 cal rifle, tripod or vehicle mounted. It's a big fucking rifle. Receiver and barrel total about 60 pounds. In two weeks we qualify on one we each get 100 rounds to practice with. That should be fun.

Tomorrow is the day land nav course. We have a map and compass and must locate 3 of 5 point out in the bushes in teams of four. I am worried it will be a cluster fuck like everything else, which I am sure it will be, but I start squad leader tomorrow of 1st squad. So, I'll have the ability to take control of my group. When you can't it's all f-d up (too many chiefs BS). Most groups will be like that. I was already PG once (platoon guide) - God that sucked. I'll have it again but probably not till close to the end of the cycle. Squad leader and PG suck. It's tons of responsibility, exposure and other peoples' BS you deal with and pay for, with no end result benefit.

It puts you up front in charge and responsible. I can do it. I just don't like to. One of the hardest things is a lot of the people you need to deal with are turds and that sucks. Good news for me is I can only have it for 4 days.

Mail call tonight. Still no mail. I don't know what is worse: not getting mail or not knowing when you might get mail. Before it was 'whatever' but over time I find myself hoping for it. It's not like I've been gone very long at all. I mean, shit, I've gone longer without family and friend contact and still been in the same town, or had a phone I could have picked up, but somehow when that ability is taken from you, it somehow takes on a whole different level of importance and necessity. I guess when that freedom is taken from you, you realize how important the need to be with family and friends is, and how the words of familiar people give you a strength and a peace of heart and mind. My mind also runs away with me and I always think the worst about what might be going on with my life at home while I am living here. The thought of family and friends and the dogs gives me a lot of strength to do good here, but wondering about how they are and having no way to find out also causes a lot of concern and a sad hopefulness that all is well. It is a strange place I find myself in now; never a moment alone yet completely isolated from the world I know. Here I function in two places: when I have to, I am here in the real world. Other times, when I can, I am some where else. I suppose it's just a way to pass time.

Well I hope all is good and everyone is OK.

Take Care

Scouts out

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Somtime between Feb 23 & Feb 25 (not dated)

Hey there, everyone. How are things going? All is about the same here. We're 1/2 way into week 5 here. It seems like forever. We've been doing land navigation the past few days and will have some more later.

Tomorrow is .50 cal training. I'm sort of excited, but sort of not. I've already shot those, but it will be cool anyhow.

I had to qualify the other day for marksmanship. You get 40 rounds and have 40 targets. If you get less than 23, you fail and shoot again until you pass, but it's sort of like winning by forfeit. If you shoot 23-29, you are classified as a marksman. If you shoot 30-35 you are a sharpshooter. If you get 36-40 you are an expert and 40 is the best. You have to do this on your first go. I was in the first firing order so I shot at like 8 in the morning. It was cold as fuck - about 15 degrees, completely snowy and miserable - 70% of about 200 people were no goes on the first go round. I shot 36 rounds. I missed 4 and hit 32 on first go, giving me rank of sharpshooter. 4 rounds misfired, which pissed me off. I missed 4 shots fair, but those other four cost me expert at no fault of mine. Well at least I passed on first go and sharpshooter is nothing to be too bummed about. There were no experts out of all 200 and out of 35 in 1st platoon, there were only 4 sharpshooters. You also get to requalify if you want at your unit in a better environment, with a better rifle, magazine and ammo.

Anyhow, sharpshooter, that's my first award in the US Army. WHen I got the award the captain said the drill sergeants have had their eye on me and have been talking about me. The word is I've been doing a pretty good job and it's been noticed and to keep it up. How true? I don't know. Does it mean anything? I don't know, but it was good words of encouragement all the same. I hope I do finish all this doing above average at least.

I had to move bays. At first I thought I was fucked, but it turned out OK. I got put in the very end bunk. It's dark and quiet and far from all the BS near the CQ desk where my old room and bunk was. Here there are only 6 of us and 2 are leaving. One is a nut and I think might already be gone and the other is a blown shoulder. Both are nice guys but that will leave only 4 in our room. One of the guys is now my assigned permanent battle buddy, which means we always work together. The other two are battle buddies. One is kind of a dumb ass, but he's OK. The other one is pretty OK, too. Plus he's on 6 pack detail with me, so that's good having two of us in the same room.

Things have been getting a bit better the past few days. The drills aren't quite so crazy, but that comes and goes. The worst time for their craziness is 4am. I hope they're not crazy tomorrow. Plus, tonight, I got left off fire guard. A whole night's sleep, how nice! :-)

Well, I am going to crash and get the most out of my night.

Take care all. You're all in my thoughts.

Monday, February 23, 2009

New Posts

Hi all,

Morgan here. I just want you to know that I alter the dates on the posts to correspond with the date he is actually doing the writing. So, I just got a group of writings from January and more from February. So, go through the whole archive. If anyone wants to know about the Little Bear situation that Justin keeps mentioning in his writings, it's complicated. Essentially he whacked the end of his tail a LOT when he first got here. Because he continues to whack it, it won't heal. It appears that I am going to have to have it docked in hopes of keeping him healthy. If you believe in the power of positive thought and prayer, Little Bear could use all you have to spare right now.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

February 22nd, 2009

2030 - Free time - The drill Sgts seem to be hit and miss. They're starting to really hammer the shit bags and lay off the guys that do right, but there are still problems. People are are starting to act like little girls - gossip and rumors and BS. I just keep my mouth shut and leave it all alone and take mental notes of it all.

One thing that sucked is one guy, who is on a bit of a power high, didn't handle a situation correctly, and we lost our salad bar privileges which constitutes about 1/3 of every one of my meals, and a lot of other people too. That really sucks.

It's a constant push and pull/give and take crap. Always unaware of what is next.

I went to church today. Was still on 24 hour quarters, but I went any how. I'm fine and no one noticed. I'm not supposed to PT tomorrow, but I'm going to anyway. I don't think anyone will say anything because it was a dentist visit, not a med appointment.

Man I'm hungry. hehehe, this sux. We have to qualify tomorrow and ruck march 5k back from the range. Oh and I got assigned permanent 6 pack crew, which mean sI am part of a 6 man detail that loads all the crew shit in the humvee or stake side and travels in the back of that and not the big bus. I pulled 0230 fireguard again. What horse shit. Although I did get last night off. I just hate the last two shifts. There's no time to sleep between duty and wake up.

Some one from Bravo asked me today if it was true. If Charlie was the most fucked troop to be in. I just said, "sure, I guess." Apparently all of us were actually supposed to be in Hotel Company, but there was some problem with the barracks. So, we got Charlie. Apparently Hotel is the easiest company to be in, easier than Echo. I guess Hotel gets cell privileges, TV, and lax DFac privileges.

Oh, phone call - we also lost our 5 minute phone call along with salad bar - that little fucker - I haven't had a phone call for 3 weeks to the day. Hopefully I'll get some mail soon with some info on what is all going on back there.

I don't know when, but at some point I think Mom is getting a picture of me in my ACU* shit. I probably look like a jack ass.

Well looks like no mail call again. What a fucking shitter. 5 minutes till lights out. So, see you all. Hope everyone is well. Take care.

Scouts Out,

*ACU - Army Combat Uniform

Saturday, February 21, 2009

February 21st, 2009 - Later in the evening 1800

Sitting in the barracks. I guess I'm on quarters for 24 hours. So everyone else is at chow and I sit here alone. All because of a tooth. Whatever. And the place you get prescriptions is closed on the weekend, so the Motrin I was supposed to get I can't get till Monday some time. So, what the fuck? Welcome to the Army.

Since I left the dentist it started snowing and has snowed about 1/2 an inch.

I'm hoping for mail tonight, but I doubt it. I'm hoping to get an early fire guard, but I doubt it. Wake up ain't till 0500 tomorrow. That's nice, but no church escape for me. Instead I'll clean, but that's ok, I don't mind.

Let's see, who are some of the other people around here? In my bay there are 8. Craig from Virginia.
Barno, he's is a skinny dude from Georgia.
Diel, a little short, feisty dude from back east somewhere.
Barns, he is an ex-cop from Maryland. He's close to my age.
Then there's Collins, young guy just out of high school, married with a new born kid.
Then there's Tony Anthony (everyone calls him Tony Tony), he's a truck driver from Tennessee and has a pretty good accent. He's in his late 20s. He's a real good guy.
Then btween him is Brown, little, short, quiet guy. Real nice and real quiet.
Then me. I got lucky. Our bay is all good people. Most of the other bays have anywhere from 1 to 8 total shit bags. I'll tell you about some of them in time.

Barns is this skinny black kid from Georgia. I don't think he's got much family to speak of, but he's got a pretty cute girl he adores. He carries her picture everywhere and even sleeps with it. Sometimes he is a bit spastic and slow on the go, but he's a real cool guy. And for an 18 year old, he's got his shit together a bit more than most of the others. He's been sick a lot and is close to his max 40 hours that you can miss, and the other day he also tore his rotators cuff. What a bummer deal. I wouldn't be surprised if he recycles. I'm sure I'll write more about him some day.

Craig - his bunk's across from mine. He is the one who missed a few days because he had pneumonia and he is a bit older - a construction worker - at first he was real slow and sort of lethargic, now he is a squad leader and all of the sudden he is a loudmouth, but in a good way. He gets real pissed off at all the younger privates.

Man, I wonder what's in store for us tonight. God only knows.

The food here is actually pretty good. You just don't get very much and it's a pain in the ass to get it. The whole process and all, but it's also screwy. They have donuts, cake, ect. you can take, but if you do you're fucked. If you try to take too many servings of bread, you're fucked. If you fill your salad bowl over the rim, you're fucked. If you don't drink a glass of water first, if you don't carry your glass of water with both hands, the rules go on and on and on and frequently they change. Breaking the rules can result in anything from yelling and screaming to being cut off of salad bad, or the whole platoon loses salad bar, or the whole platoon is instantly finished with dinner. That one really sux. You might just sit down and have to spit your first bite out and evacuate the D-Fac (dining facility). Whoops gotta go, platoon's back from chow.

2100 - Free time till 2130. The drills been being decent and I don't have fireguard tonight and wake up is at 0500, Cool. I'm 48 hours PT free. I get to sleep, eat and have a little muscle recovery. All for the cost of one tooth.

Well, no mail tonight :-( Oh well. Copied notes on basic map reading from Tony Tony. Nothing was taught I didn't already know. So, that's good. Lights out in 5 minutes.

February 21st, 2009

Well, it's 1230. I've been up since 0230 and sitting here at the dentist since 0700. Apparently I have a dental appointment today. I guess they Army has decided that to remove my last wisdom tooth. One I've had for 18 years and have never had a problem with. The one my local dentist opted to leave because it is just there causing no problem. Go figure.

So, my Land Navigation (basic map reading) started today. How nice. One thing I was looking forward to, I get to miss. Good thing I know how to read maps and navigate incredibly well, but it puts me down 8 hours. If you miss 40 hours of training, you get recycled. What a fuck job. This shit is starting to kill me. I thought it would be ok at least a little, cause there is a TV here. I wanted to watch the news, but there are 9 of us here and everyone else wants to watch music videos - go figure. I'll get to see a little bit of news. Apparently, they make you not train for 2 days after a tooth extraction. Which means I might miss training Monday. God, I hope not!

I hope the blog is working to some extent. I still am also looking for real mail. Every day I look forward to mail call. I usually figure there won't be anything, but I still look forward to it, just in case. It is (mail call that is) a big part of everyone's day. People that get mail are stoked. People that don't are bummed. I'm pretty reserved about it, but I still look forward to possibly having it.

Well here I sit minus all my wisdom teeth now. Well, I only had one left. Now I have none. It wasn't so bad, although I'm sure it will hurt like hell later. I got 24 hours quarters and no PT for 48 hours. I guess that will be a good excuse for the DS. They can chew my ass for being a pussy even thought it wasn't my call. I won't get to go to church and I will be forced to clean the barracks while everyone else is at church. Yeah, I can't wait. It's 1430 now and raining like cats and dogs. Still just sitting here waiting for the last dental to finish. He is a pretty cool guy. His name is Kerr. He is in Charlie 2nd Platoon. He is from Utah. He is pretty gun savvy and knew enough to ask why the hell I would have BORS. When I told him, he knew what .416 was. He's National Guard but has to do 4 active and 4 reserve. I think maybe that is what I should have done. Active National Guard. Those guys get paid a lot, but oh well. He's 28 so he was pretty easy to talk to and understand. He's the last one. The other guy here waiting with me now is Bales. He is this big ol giant son of a bitch with a serious southern type drawl. Thought he is from Tennessee, most people kind of treat him like he's a dullard. I think it's just his drawl. Although he is the idiot that blew his knee up to get out and openly said he was considering suicide. Shit, I don't care. He is a pretty nice guy and I get along with him. He is also National Guard. He is also from Charlie 1st platoon like me.

Kerr had a friend who was in Charlie last cycle and broke his hip and got recycled to Alpha company. He talked to him during the black outs a few weeks ago and supposedly verified what everyone is saying, well guys I've talked to from Delta, Echo and Fox - that Charlie is a nightmare of a company to be in. It's the hardest company at Ft. KNox. Well for OSUT (Basic/AIT). All Cav Scouts come from Ft. Knox. So there is lots who can verify this or discredit it.

In October, the Scout program goes to Ft. Benning and no more knox - gotta go.

Friday, February 20, 2009

February 20th, 2009

Back to the journal. Spent the last few times writing Mom. It's hard to find the time to write to both. Last night I fell asleep writing. Was at the shooting range every day for the last week. I don't think I did so hot today. I think my rifle is fucked, but that doesn't matter. I'll get a chance to qualify when I'm out of Basic, but for now I will just get by Monday with the rifle I was issued, which is seriously a P.O.S.. Tomorrow we are supposed to start land navigation classes. I'm good at that so I'm looking forward to that. It will be mostly basic map reading, I suppose, tomorrow.

Did lots of PT yesterday. Like 200 push ups and 200 sit ups in about an hour. That part killed. Well, I've been in actual Basic Combat Training for 1 month today. A new cycle just started today. "E" company (Echo). They all look scared shitless. hehehehe :-)

I was told we might not get to do the rappel tower. If that is true, I will be really upset. That is one of the things I was looking forward to, but you never know. Everything here is 95% BS.

As you might know, I am in OSUT (one stop unit training) and I am doing it as a 19 Delta or Cavalry Scout. So, instead of 8 weeks of Basic and 8 weeks of AIT which is general Basic and Advanced Individual Training. All 16 weeks for me is like Basic, but not geared for general soldiers. It's 16 weeks geared specifically for cavalry scouts, which is one of the more intense trainings for an Army MOS There are a few others but not at an entry level. So, it's pretty intense. Well it turns out - so intense that the Cav Scout companies at Ft. Knox have one of the largest AWOL rates in the whole Army, and it has a high self injury and suicide rate (well attempted) for the Army. Since I've been here, I've seen people that said they were going to kill them self, 3 people injure them self and several on purpose (like purposely dislocating a shoulder and blowing a knee to get out), and 8 AWOLs from our initial 120 man platoon. It's only been 30 days in here. That's not good. There are rumors that they are going to change OSUT to Basic/AIT like all other MOS to stop this.

In Basic, you have zero freedom. In AIT you get freedom just like living at a college dorm. In OSUT it's like Basic on steroids for 16 weeks instead of 8. They might even do it at the we graduate Basic and the 8 week mark. I don't care one way of the other. I personally would probably have more success in a Basic/AIT situation, but I like knowing that OSUT is the hard way and I would like to just see it through, but that that is not for me to decide. I just get sick of the yelling and belittling of people, but I do realize that without that control this place would be a fucking chaotic disaster all day. Too many numb-nuts here.

It does get old though. Every morning my first thought is pretty much, "Oh, fuck. I'm still here." and "Shit, another day of this hell." But it's good. I'm learning a lot and gaining a strong understanding of things. I'm getting more and more fit daily and am able to run pretty respectable now. 14:50 - 2 miles. I'd like to do 14:00 in the test.

I'm not sure if I told you, but one of the drill sergeants asked me where I wanted to go. I told him I didn't care where. I wasn't going to get what I wanted anyhow. He said yeah, most people don't ever get what they want, but he still wanted to know where I picked. I told him Alaska. He said, "Oh, shit. You'll definitely get that one, because no one ever wants to go there. It's too fucking cold and too many bugs and the sun stays up for months." apparently most people that go there, don't choose to. So, maybe I'll get what I wanted. On the down side, if it is Alaska is a Cav-Scout Stryker base. So, as opposed to Airborne or Light unite, like a Bradly unit; whatever, I would be in a Stryker unit. Which I suppose isn't bad, but guys that go to Stryker units apparently have to stay at Knox for an extra two weeks of Stryker training. That doesn't sound real fun. Although Strykers are pretty cool. I don't know what would be better: Scout with a Bradly or Cav Scout Stryker. Personally, I want Cav Scout Airborne, but we'll just see what happens.

Damn, lights out and I got fire guard tonight at 0230 - 0330 and wake up at 0400. God, this sucks. Sleep deprivation sucks.

Basic graduation or more Family Day for us (the Cav Scouts/OSUT) is March 27-29. I should get out Friday night, Saturday and be back Sunday for dinner. Not much time, so probably not much anyone will want to go to, but anyone is welcome that wants to come. Graduation as a Cav Scout is May 14th. That's the one I'm looking forward to, which any one is welcome to come to also. The BCT one I figure it's only 2.5 days. most people won't want to go so I'm, at this point, planning on getting a cheap motel for 3 days, eating pizza and Chinese take out and taking a long ass hot shower, sleeping and watching movies for 2 days.

Oh, back to that thought on Alaska. I think that is one of the bases where they teach arctic warfare. That would be cool. Ft. Lewis, my other pick, teaches mountain warfare. That would be cool, too. I don't know what would be best. Arctic in Alaska or Mountain in Washington. They also do that in Colorado and New York or desert some place like Ft. Irwin in Barstow or some place in Texas. Like I said, I'll just have to wait and see. It's a long road to get to that point. 3 more months here and I'm beat to hell already after only 1 month.

Thanks for the supplies. You and Mom both sent some. So, I've got plenty of paper, pens and stamps for quite a while. So, thanks again.

It's still really freaking cold here and flat, well rolling hills. Cold and lumpy. Just like my breakfast.

I hope Bear is doing good. I miss him terribly and can't wait to see him again, and the girls. I'm dying to see them again. Probably still one of the worst parts (well the worst part) of this whole experience so far.

Well, I'm super tired. I'll end this journal and send it out tomorrow and start some more tomorrow or Sunday.

Take care, all :-)


Monday, February 16, 2009

February 16th, 2009

Beat up again. So damn tired and I got fire guard at 0230-0330 and wake up at 0400. Woohoo. I can actually almost sleep standing up now, but I'm always afraid I'll drop my rifle.

Learned how to set up radio communications today. Mostly set up, radio check and med-evac. We'll be tested on that soon.

Tomorrow we road march and use the rifle simulator again.

Had to run 2 miles for a guide for the PT test. At my age, 19 minutes will pass me. I did it in 14:50. That's not the best but it is passing for the 18-21 age group, even, and it will get me a 100% score. So, that's good.

woo, my letter's kind of listing here. (he was writing more and more to the side of the page)

Oh and we had 2 more go AWOL today. I think the total now is 8 crazy fuckers. Anyhow, take care, all!

Justin :-)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

February 15th, 2009

It's funny how as people start to get comfortable in their surroundings their attitudes change, or start to. I see people here who their inner ass really starts shine, people who need to be controlling, people who act as if all the rules apply to everyone but them. That saying - that you'll see every type in the Army - really holds true and I'm sure will be something I will talk about again sometime. Right now it's almost 6am. We've been up cleaning for about 2 hours. It's Sunday, so mostly we won't get fucked with today. Beds have to be all made like you see it in the movies. Lockers all have to be organized exactly the same. Boots and shoes displayed all the same under the bed.

I also notice a huge amount of shit talk. He said, or I heard this or that, but I've come to realize you can't buy into any of it. Process it for what it most likely is and that is most likely BS.

Church day and cleaning all day. most people you find seem to be in pretty good moods around here on Sundays. Tomorrow we go to some basic marksmanship and commo (communications) classes. I think Land Nav courses are coming up soon, too. Family day and BCT graduation is end of March, but I expect that anyone who might want to come should plan on May 15for OSUT* graduation. That's the end of the whole training cycle. If no one comes for family day, I plan on having someone sign me out - go figure at 37 years old I can't check myself out, I have to get someone else parents to do it for me - I'll probably get a taxi and have them take me to some cheap ass motel in Louisville so I can sleep for 2 days, watch TV - especially the news, order a pizza and take a long, hot shower.

I think we're going to the pit tonight. That's gonna suck. It's cold out and I'm tired. CID** is here investigating all the people who lied on their apps to get in. Mostly criminal shit, I think. Thank God my name wasn't called.

Now that it's starting to ease up, it's getting a little squirrelly. Quite a bit of aggression and a lot of immaturity. What is really fucked is about 10 of the 35 in 1st pretty much got their shit together but the other 25 are just a bunch of retarded monkeys. Two more guys went AWOL again out of 2nd platoon. We're also loosing two more - one to a dislocated shoulder and one with cracked shins. Well I'm going to bed. No fire guard tonight so I am hitting the sack.

Please write back and let me know how Little Bear is doing. Well, take care, all.

Scouts Out
~Justin :-)

*OSUT - One Station Unit Training
**CID - Criminal Investigative Division

Saturday, February 14, 2009

February 14th, 2009


So, what's new? Not too much. Today we went into white phase. Doesn't mean a whole lot. The drills are still mostly mean, but they also are showing their real sides. most likely we'll fuck something up and go back into red, then the drills will go nuts again. Whatever. Blue is in 3.5 weeks from now. If we make it.

We were at the range all day practicing for rifle qualification. We shot at 75-175 and 300 meter targets. I did above average, but we'll see. We qualify Tuesday. It was cold as hell today. We still march everywhere we go. Sometimes, we take old school buses, but mostly march. Everywhere we go we have to wear what they call FULL BATTLE RATTLE. That includes our IBA (Industrial Body Armor and plates) that is about 20 pounds, our kevlar helmet, glasses, pads and M-16 rifle, and about a 25 pound rucksack. Doesn't sound like too much but after all day it gets heavy. One of the first things I'm doing when I get out of here getting a back massage.

I think we'll be training most next week with our M-16 at the range. We do have a bunch of other weapons we have to qualify with. I think that up next might bethe 249 (5.56 belt-fed rifle), the 240B (7.62 belt-fed) and the .50 cal belt-fed rifles. I'll tell you all about the stuff as we qualify. There's not much to the M-16 other than to say they're total hunks of shit, that would go for about 20K on the black market. I would like to have the trigger group out of one for the three round burst, but that ain't happening.

Had to go to the PX again and get a hair cut. $5 and I swear nothing comes off. What a rip. :-) Got some stamps, a pencil, paper and few razors. Yeehaw! Everyone else had mountains of shit. You have to understand - this sounds normal, but what you don't know is that to do it we have to form up a platoon, march across "Disneyland" (our living area) over to the shopette. We then stand in an hour long line for the ATM, move 2 steps at a time, going from "attention" and moving then stopping and going to "at ease" then attention and move and over and over and over. Then we travel in pairs to get our haircut. We stand in line for about 1 hour, then sit in chairs in order for about 20 minutes, moving like robots skipping chair to chair. Finally, we get in the chair. They shave our heads, we hold the money up, they take it, push our change in our hand and we move off to the store. Where there is all kinds of stuff to buy, but you can only have authorized items, and if you get caught trying to buy a non-authorized item, you're screwed. The whole time you do all of this, you walk like a robot - head and eyes straight forward - you listen to everything and watch only where your peripheral vision which is hard cause there is all kinds of craziness going on all around and if you get caught looking at something that's none of your business - which is everything - you'll get smoked, or sometimes they'll smoke the whole platoon on your behalf. The whole time screaming, "Buddy fucker. Don't be a buddy fucker." instead of counting.

Man going to the firing rangs is a whole gigantic process that would take a manual to explain.

1) you get off the bus and form up - then you ground your ruck, then move to the bleachers for briefing, then you file out - move down the firing line, well anyhow, I'm not going to explain this. It will take forever. Just let me say: It takes all day long.

Everyone here, well the privates I mean, are slowly being worn down - Lights out - talk to you later.

scouts out
~Justin :-)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

February 11th, 2009

Man, long day. Been up since 0200 and it's 2200 now. Have to get up at 2330 for fire guard then sleep at 0030, then up again at 0400.

Today was pretty fun. We got to go to the range today. We got to group our rifles. Tomorrow we go again and we'll zero our rifles. Something a normal human can do in an hour takes us days and 5 million push ups to get done. If you suck, you basically got to shoot all day till you got a 5 round group. I shot in the first section at about 8 in the morning, took five shots, got my group and stood around until 1530. Some people shot several hundred rounds and handful didn't even get a group of 5. Well at least training has started for sure. Tomorrow is the official start of white phase, but I don't know what will happen. It's strange how living like this starts to affect people. Sides of who people really are start to emerge. You really start to get an idea of how different and diverse people are.

Well, it's 12:30 am. Just got off guard. It's amazing how scared people will get around drill sergeants who are acting like asses. I just do what I'm supposed to and if they come after me, well then they do. But I just try to block them out.

Well I hope all is well with everyone. We'll be at the range for the next week. I'll let you all know how things go.

*Side note for you - please let me know how Little Bear is doing. At this point I don't know what else to do but keep him in my heart and prayers.

*If you have a few extra stamps and envelopes, I could use a few

*Tell everyone hello and I'll talk to them soon

~Justin :-)

Once again, I (morgan) have sent him stamps and envelopes. I think he should have them by now!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February 10th, 2009

Today was pretty fun. We did marching this morning for about 4 miles. Then we did the bayonet coarse. It was raining cats and dogs and a muddy mess. We run up and down hills over barrier and tunnels and stabbing the little people on the TL. Screaming like idiots the whole way. 34 of us made it through in 8 minutes. One guy went through by himself in 7.5 minutes. Our total was 15.5 minutes. Therefore we lost the over all. All for one guy who couldn't do it. I didn't care about winning, I just had fun, but we got smoked for loosing. Then we marched about a mile to the gas chamber.

Now that's something else. You go in this concrete bunker with 25 guys, you have your mask on and you can breathe fine, but you're skin starts to burn all over. you then close your eyes and hold your breath and pull your mask off. If you breathe or open your eye at this point you'd be fucked. Then you put back on, purge the mask and then check the seal. At this point if you followed directions your eyes burn a little and you taste it a little. Then you take your masks off in groups of 5. I was in the 2nd group so I got to watch first five. Oh shit they looked like they were dying. They're all screaming and choking. Snot and spit and foam is frothing out their mouths. One guy started screaming. He couldn't breath. "Oh shit" I was thinking. Then it was my turn. I pulled mine off. You can see, but your eyes are on fire (shit I just found out I have fire guard at 0330 tonight and we get up at 0400 = 4 hours of sleep for the 2nd week in a row) then it starts to get into your throat and lungs and I tell you what, it does feel like you're choking out. You are breathing but you can't get hardly any air and it feels like you're inhaling pure campfire smoke X 10,000. Several guys in my group started puking. I just stood there and kept trying to breath as foam and saliva sprayed out of my mouth. Waiting, waiting finally they open the door and I got the hell out. Then you flap your arms and don't touch anything for about 10 minutes. Walking around checking my eyes are open and my arms are flapping over and over. It was pretty frickin cool. Most people hated it. I really thought it was fun though not a good all the time thing.

Then we stood in the pouring rain with burning skin and bloodshot eyes for about an hour waiting for everyone. Then we marched home, showered , went to chow in the pouring rain, came back, went over what we do tomorrow and then everyone cleans over and over and over and over and over.

Now I'm on free time that could at any moment if some jack ass pulls something and there is no end to the type of stupidity that can cause all hell to break loose at any moment and we're out in the rain crawling around in the mud at midnight who knows.

I hope Bear's tail can be saved. He has a pretty tail and I would hate to see him lose it, but his life is what's important. I left the decision to you. You will do what is best and I will be ok with that. Though in my heart I would hate to see him lose such a big part of who he is and what makes him what he is.

It's barely been three weeks in BCT and what I wouldn't give for an hour with a masseuse, a 6 pack of Bud and an all you can eat Chinese Buffet and a quiet, sound night's sleep in my own bed. :-)

I just got the results of my PT test. Not bad, 45 push ups, 46 sit ups in 1 minute and to graduate the whole 16 week course I have to do 30 something of each and 50 something for a perfect score. I also have 18 minutes to run two miles to pass. I should do it in about 14 minutes. That would get me a perfect. I think we start rifle training tomorrow. That should be good.

Hope everything is well with everyone. If anyone has any stamps or envelopes to send, feel free if you like.* I'm out and I don't know when we get to the PX again. Anyhow, talk to you all later.

Take care,
Justin :-)

*I already sent a bunch.

Monday, February 9, 2009

February 9th, 2009

So, ok, back to the journal. I don't actually get much time to write at this point and given the phone situations, the last two times I wrote I sent letters to Mom and Morgan just cause I needed to. They should hopefully post those letters on the blog as part of the journal.

What what is new: We're in week three still red phase pt 2 (eventually we go through blue, black and gold). I passed my basic combat training 1 test and my combat medic test. Not too hard. We've also completed basic rifle bayonet course and had our first pugil battles. I got put against some big, ole, dumb, 20 year old guy. He got a few good licks in, but over all I kicked his ass, till he actually tried to run off while I was chasing him and beating him in the back of the head. Drill Sergeants jumped his shit pretty hard for being a quitter, but I had a good time. He did crack my eyebrow ope a bit. I don't know why, but that always happens to me.

Tonight we got sent to the pit. That was some fun shit. Well I thought so. You have to low crawl about fifty yards on your belly in sand and mud shit. Then get up and sprint up a hill then sprint back down and low crawl through it (this means you're face down in it). I got road rash all over my forehead. Then you repeat two more times doing back crawl. I thought it was great; most others didn't.

This morning we did our run. Oh shit, I screwed that up. The other day we did our PT test. I was feeling good so I ran what I thought should about a 7+ minute mile putting me in the Bravo PT group for running. That's the slow fuckers. Well, I ran a 6:30 putting me in Alpha. Oh crap! So today we ran about 3 miles. I am beat to shit. Especially after everything else. Tomorrow we go to the real gas chamber. We'll go through it, the last time was just getting us familiar with the shit. Then we go to some bayonet obstacle course and the a 3 mile road march. In what order, I don't know. Everything we do we have to pass. It's not an option - pass or fail - failure is not a good option.

I gotta get up at 0400 to get the barrack in order. It's 11pm now. I just got off fire guard. The barracks were a shit hole after the pit. I'm in a room with 7 other guys. Most rooms have 8 people. There are 35 of us in 2st platoon. Same thing with 2-3-4 platoons, all are Charlie Company. They all live on the upper floor. We have 3 toilets and 2 showers. What a disaster. I did pretty goof for a while flying under the radar, but now it's getting hard to not cause I'm a fuck up because I'm twice most everyone's age. There are a few older guys, but they're pretty broken. I keep up and actually do physically well. I'd say I do physically better than 80% of the guys here. Which after a while draws attention when they know I'm 37 and everyone else is 17-25. I still get left alone a lot. Shit I do that other guys might get 100 push ups for, I'll get 10-20. I think cause a lot of the younger guys are really squirrely. They also know that the old guys just do what they're supposed to be doing. It's still rough. The constant yelling and degradation gets old. It's not directed at me much, but it's still hard to listen to all day and night.

Well, I gotta go to bed. There's going to be lots of interesting things to come, I think. Things way more interesting than what I've been writing about. The good stuff is just getting going. It is tough we don't have regular basic. Our basic is geared specifically for us and about one of the hardest trainings the Army has to offer. It's supposed to get real bad with a bout 50% attrition rate.

Week three and we're down to 30 from 35. I don't know about the other platoons and companies. Well, like I said, there will be fun stuff coming later this week. I think we start our marksmanship stuff. Everyone is looking forward to that. Well I'll write again in a day or so.

Scouts Out!

- Some other little things

I should start writing down some of the cadences.
Another thing we do is in all classes we can't stil till told to do so. So the DS will say "TAKE SEATS" and we reply with, "Scouts in the backwoods, scouts in the hills, scouts on the war path stacks up the kill, to sets of track tearin' up the sod. I'm a bad ass scout, I'm a devil by god. We are the cavalry" then we stomp our feet twice and yell "mount up" Then we get to sit. And you realize that all this is sounded off at a deafening yell.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

February 7th, 2009

Just so you know, this should be the third letter you have received, and I sent one to Mom.

Have a med test today. I hope I pass. I should. The material isn't that difficult.

I hope you can have time to just drop a line and let me know how things are going and if you know any one that would like a letter, just give them my address and have them include whatever info I need to get them a letter. Without phone or computer the only thing I really have to do here is write letters in my free time. Plus it would be nice to hear from some people I know so I can have something to relate back home. Something other than this here.

Take care, JCB

Friday, February 6, 2009

February 6th, 2009

So hey what is up? Same old shit here. Last two days and tomorrow is all about combat medicine. Sunday I'll probably go to church again, and get a rash of shit for it again. I hear we have another road march Monday, but you never know around here.

It's funny, I've been gone 3 weeks and it's strange how you start to miss things. Especially when everything is out of your control. There's a guy that just showed up in Charlie Company, 3rd Platoon. He was on week 13 of 16 and he got caught with a power bar, well two power bars and using someone's cell phone and is now back at week two. I still really don't know how they can do that type of stuff. It really kills me about the phone situation also.

I guess I am just going to keep plugging along. I hope I get a trip to the PX* soon. This will be my last letter out till I get more. I think we might go Sunday.

I have no idea what has happened in the news in the past three weeks (I almost got caught writing this letter - haha)** Whatever. Well, I am about to pass out. Say HI to everyone. Tell Bear I love him, even though he won't know it's from me :-). Hope all is good. Hope to hear from somebody someday.***

(signed) PFC JC Ball

*Post Exchange
**He is allowed to write letters, but I (morgan) would guess he was writing it outside of the allotted time.
***I know he has been sent letters - I just don't think he's rec'd any yet. I think the more he gets the better, though.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

February 5th, 2009

Hey, all. What's going on? How are things going there? Things are good here. Still just trucking along. Same old shit everyday, but after two weeks it is just routine, and we're doing a lot funner shit now. Some people are are starting to come together and form cohesive teams. Some people just struggle. A few people I feel real bad for. They just get a never-ending rash of shit.

At least I'm two weeks in now. Not too long, but it is better than two days in. In October Cav Scout school moves to Ft. Benning, GA. Think it is strange too how small a MOS 19S is. Only a few hundred every year. And after this, no more will come from Ft. Knox.

I think next week will be warmer, but I think it will get cold again. I keep hoping to get a phone call, but I just don't know. And when you do, it's only a few minutes. I still don't understand how they have the right to not give you phone time.

The guy across from me has pneumonia, but he is getting over it. I've been told that as we progress through the phases we get more privileges. For the next three days we're doing medical training.

My three favorite times of day are chow. They feed you real good food at chow just not a lot. The other day I had to get my hair cut. I don't think a single hair came off. I sitll got charged $5.00, which sucks because I needed that money for stamps and envelopes and some more paper,* but I really didn't have a much say so in the matter.

Well, I gotta go to bed. I got fire watch in two hours. I'll send this out later.

*Don't send him these things. I (morgan) already have.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mailing Address

PFC Ball, Justin C.
5938 - Wilson Rd
Fort Knox, KY 40121

I (morgan) don't know what you can send him other than letters. I am sure you could find a website for the AIT and see what the policies are.

Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2nd, 2009

Hey there. How's it going? Good here. We're finally starting to do fun stuff; today we did a bunch of crap with CS* gas masks and took a little march with them on, but we didn't get gassed today :-(. Tomorrow, we're supposed to do pugil stick crap, but rumors are rampant here. You can't believe anything you hear. I'm still sore as hell but getting stronger, and the most painful stuff is working its way out. I've been sick as hell, but I think I'm getting over it. Tons of people are are just starting to get the same stuff I am getting over. A few guys got it real bad.

It's 2145 now. I have fireguard at 0000 until 0100. The Wake up is at 0400 for PT. The weather is getting nicer here. We ran about 5 miles today. I just imagine I'm back home on the bike path with Bear. It helps me not stop. If you stop you bring down the wrath upon yourself.

Two guys went AWOL last night. They're already in jail. Ft. KNox is approximately 150 square miles. They didn't really have a chance. And it's a time of war. They're screwed.

Tonight was mail night. It was pretty cool seeing how excited everyone gets. A lot of crying for joy. A lot of bummed out faces too. I wrote a letter to mom the other day, but it won't go out till tomorrow. Maybe this one will go out with it.

I suppose Tom might be home now, or will be soon. That must be good. After BCT there is only a 2-day family thing and graduation is mid May. That's all I know for now. Just so you know, I don't get email access here and pretty much no phone calls. So I'm really sort of in the dark here. I wish that was different, but it is what it is. It's funny, you can't believe anything anyone says around here.

I hope I get lucky and go someplace interesting for my post station. I find out in about 8 weeks where I will go. I like it here. I think it takes a certain sort of crazy to like this. It's challenging; it pushes you in ways I never thought about. I do feel a sort of guilt and emptiness still about the dogs. And I hope when I am finished here and ready to move on with the next step I don't come back to my life all fucked up. If you are still doing the net thing for me, you can post this letter too.

Well, I need to get a few hours sleep. Say hello to everyone. I hope Bear is behaving. I miss him lots. If you can write back, put my last name first on the envelope (PFC Ball, Justin C.) or I will get smoked.

*CS - A nerve agent